
Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

  1. Select the link below for each teacher for which you wish to make a conference appointment. 
  2. Select the date (Wednesday, October 16th or Thursday, October 17th) and time slot that you wish to attend.
  3. Fill in the information on the form.

**Please keep in mind, if your computer is not set to Central Time Zone, parent teacher conferences will not be at the correct time. Be sure to set the time zone on your device to central for accurate parent teacher conference times.**

Pre-K Conference Link


Ms. Natalie Doan

Ms. Melissa Gillard

Mrs. Nancy Henson

First Grade

Mr. Bob Ellis

Mrs. Francie Ellis

Mrs. Seily Gerlach

Second Grade

Mrs. Monica McDaniel

Mrs. Emma Snidle

Third Grade

Mrs. Heather Cowling

Ms. Ariana Schreiber

Fourth Grade

Mrs. Julie Robinson

Mrs. Lesa York

Fifth Grade

Mrs. Jennifer Marvell

Ms. Amanda Simms

Elementary PE

Mrs. Kristen Greathouse (Wednesday only)

Jr. High

Mrs. Erica Bishop

Mr. Joel Brinkman

Mrs. Liz Brock-Jones

Ms. Sarah Smiley

Mr. Will Swardstrom

Mrs. Christy Winemiller


Mrs. Gracie Greenwood

Mrs. Sarah Swardstrom

Special Services

Speech (Mrs. Duncan & Mrs. Lynch)

Mrs. Kerri Buckman

Mrs. Kerri Mosson

Mrs. Ora Lee Jefferson (Reading Room)

Mrs. Cora Robb (Thursday Only)

Mrs. Julia Sanford

Mrs. Lori Schmittler

Mrs. Heather Young